Monday, August 23, 2010


Finally got my camera figured out for uploading pictures. Hadn't really been a priority until lately. Still want to get a nice digital camera soon though. Once I do will have to find a really good place to store thousands of photos online because I plan on using it a lot.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Scott Pilgrim vs the World is a rather unique movie based on a comic book series. The film is a wonderful flick filled with candy violence, music, and campiness to an infinite degree which in the end turns out to be a wonderful collage of enjoyment.

It is a train ride through the love life on one canadian by the name of Scott Pilgrim who meets the girl of his dreams. He is not informed though that she has an entire league of ex's that wish to control her love life. Fortunately for Scott Pilgrim though he seems to have the ability to do kung fu and battle in a world of video games.

Yes, I said video games.

As he goes through winning the heart of this young lady he duels the seven evil ex's to the death which turns into video game style fights. The fights contain anime style running at the speed of mach 3, leaping through the air like humming birds, and when the evil ex is defeated they actually give him points and turn into a shower of coins. Despite how totally ridiculous it may sound the movie was only truly enjoyable because of the over the big top silliness.

It is never explained why everything is treated as if though it is a video game and I truthfully don’t care. It requires no explanation. When you have a veagan with mind control powers, ear blowing bass rock offs, and giant gorillas fighting kung fu dragons you don’t want realism to get in the way of it.

This is truly a rare movie that cannot be properly explained and if you’re not a huge video game geek you may not enjoy it. I for one though quite enjoyed it once the movie got going. It may have started a bit slow but with the first girlfriend by the name of Knives and the gay roomie who manages to turn a good portion of the males in the movie into raging homosexuals the movie gets into a rip roaring mood that only continues to speed up until the crescendo that is the fight between Scott Pilgrim and the last evil ex.

Thus far this is the best film I’ve seen this year and I highly recommend it for any true geek. Until next time, whateve’s.

Friday, August 20, 2010



So like all geeks I tend to be interested in the latest and greatest tech devices. The ipad is the latest toy from Steve Jobs and his buddies over at Apple, the same people who gave us the ipod and the iphone. Well despite interest in it ( and I will admit right now I have not personally played with one yet) I'm fairly sure I will not be purchasing one, at least not yet. The tech is brand new and like all new devices there are things that could just be better.

Having read a number of reviews on the item there are a few serious flaws that stand out to me.

1. Inability to multitask.Multitasking in this day and age is a serious part of any internet geeks requirement for survival. If I cannot blog, listen to music, and surf the internet for po.....err, interesting links to blog about at the same time then I don't want the device. To me that is a serious blunder. If it is fixed in later versions of the ipad then I will consider the purchasing of one.

2. Lack of internet choice. They have a deal with AT&T for 30 bucks a month you get unlimited amounts of data and you can always get free AT&T wi-fi. Doesn't sound like a big deal, unless you don't use AT&T. To be able to get full access to the internet besides through AT&T is another fee tacked onto the already sizable cost of the ipad.

3. No Flash. This isn't a huge issue to me currently. More of something I would likely find issue with once I own one. Flash is used on a number of websites and even a lot of little games and videos on the internet. I could see this causing problems for me and other users.

4. Must use apple apps. It's wonderful that you have access to movies, music, and E-books at the touch of a screen. It sucks though that you absolutely must use apple to obtain these items. Lack of competition causes higher prices and less variety.

I think I will wait until either Apple opens up the market more with a better device or a competitor comes in and steals some of the thunder. Until then it shall be me and my laptop which I have been planning on purchasing for a while now.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blackstar warrior

No idea how this one had slipped by me. Friend posted it on facebook. It contains 2 of my favorite things, Star Wars and blacksploitation movies, and since blacksploitation films also involve kung fu it technically contains 3 of my favorite styles of film. Really, it can't get a whole lot better than this other than maybe adding sharks with laser beams.

Monday, August 9, 2010

A lil goth

So for some reason I've always enjoyed goth things. There has never been an obvious reason as I am not emo and usually quite chipper. For this unexplained reason though I do love Edgar Allen Poe, Tim Burton, and creepy old houses. A while back I found this little gem of a site. It's Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl. A series of comic books that are written and drawn by Roman Dirge (couldn't get more goth than that name). Well these are the comics brought to life in animation. If you have a sick and twisted sense of humor like I do (and I know most of you do) then you will enjoy some of these videos.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Not Nerdcore

 One thing geeks often have in common is their love for metal music as well as for animation. Found this neat little gem. A video with fairly awesome instrumental metal music with clips from the 1977 animated film wizards in the back. For those who've never seen the movie it's quite interesting. Managed to find my copy of it for $3 at a video store. Anyways, check it out.


"Nerdcore could rise up, it could get elevated." These are the words of one of the most important individuals in the industry; McFrontalot. It's an industry that revels in it's indyness where Star Wars is the flavor of the millennium and wearing old Chucks is to be lauded instead of the $200 pair of the latest designer sneaker. Where an OG is an original gamer and not a gangster.

Nerdcore is a style of hip hop designed by geeks for geeks. It uses the flow you'd find in other styles of hip hop music but with a geek theme of computers, video games, role playing (dungeons and dragons), star trek, and all other things within the geek community. Despite it's lack of mainstream appeal nerdcore has quite the dedicated followers to the point where it's managed to get a few songs as downloadables on Rock Band as well as in television shows.

The live shows have taken off as well showing up in places such as Comic Con, held annually every year in California, as well as becoming a staple of PAX, a gamers convention. Yeah, these are usually places that geeks frequent but it makes sense to play to their audience. There is even a large music festival that takes place each year by the name of Nerdapalooza where the best nerdcore bands can share their music with the fans that love them so.

In a style of music that is often criticized for it's vulgarity and lack of respect for anybody, where the music is about pimping, gang signs, and bling, nerdcore is a breath of unspoiled air. The shows are certainly on a smaller scale but the energy is no less than an arena of twenty thousand people. The fans love the music and all it entails and the musicians love what they do. To be able to create music about the things you enjoy is a great way to make a living.

Nerdcore may never become the mainstream hit that pop music is but it will always have a dedicated group of followers. 


When the face of your musical genre looks like this and has the skills to match any hip hop artist alive or dead you will certainly find a niche somewhere. It has managed to find a place to live with the kids who got beat up in high school yet end up owning the world after college. Bill Gates eat your heart out. Now put down your lap top, hop in your Prius, and go find a nerdcore show to spend an awesome evening with a few hundred people just like you.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

 Quite a bit of foul language but it describes my feelings quite well. Only thing missing from the song was the canceling of Firefly. People need to be drawn and quartered for that one. Anyways watch the video to see what the fuss is about.

Monday, August 2, 2010


So over the past couple of years I've acquired a few plushies including a Companion Cube and a half pony monkey monster. Well I've determined which one should be next. Presenting the dismember me zombie plushie.


This beauty comes to you via, without a doubt one of the best geek websites to ever exist. Probably a good thing I'm not a millionaire because I'd go broke due to that website and the amount of awesome it contains.

Antoine Dodson

For those who haven't seen it here is the link for a video that cracked me up and took the internet by storm. Can we get this guy a tv show?

Now, here is the remix of course. Seriously, just look at that face. Jim Carey eat your heart out.

The Beginning

This will be a home for all that is geek. Soon to come; links of humor, geekiness, adventures with unicorns, philosophy, and many good times.

A little something to get us started off right.